Titlu: Radio (Extended Lounge Mix)
Tekstu y musiku: BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon]
Lingu d'kantu: Duirún (visiter
Lod bó gÙas: Vokalu
Arne Duering: Gitari & vokalu
Micki Marbh: Gitari, programeru y produkzonu
a dheàm tó radio ay bhúlaidh
ó'gu h-úlif' le mbadh
a dheàm tó radio ay bhúlaidh
ó'gu h-úledh' dórh do moth
I listen to the radio today
with my friends in the house
I listen to the radio today
to the old and new songs
© 2011 Amiki d'(Eu)lingu
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